Rabbi Kugel grew up in Staten Island, NY, and attended Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway. He then went on to learn in Yeshiva Toras Moshe, Yeshivas Mir in Yerushalayim, and The Jerusalem Kollel, under the leadership of Rav Yitzchak Berkovitz.
He joined Cincinnati Hebrew Day School (CHDS) in 2018 as a second grade Rebbe and is the Head Counselor of Cincinnati’s Camp Ashreinu.
In 2022, Rabbi Kugel joined CZE as the Programming Director to help run the shul’s numerous events as well as to manage the shul’s day to day activities and needs.
Chav was born and raised in Monsey, NY. After having the zechus of living in Eretz Yisroel with her husband and young family, they moved to Cincinnati in 2018. She joined the CZE staff in 2022 as office manager, alongside her husband, Rabbi Kugel. Chav is also a professional photographer and interior designer, and she works to channel her creativity and skills into the work that she does for the CZE family everyday.
A native of Detroit, Devora, her husband Raphael, and their children moved from Toronto to Cincinnati in 2023. As CZE’s women’s programing coordinator, Devora’s goal is to create an environment for women to feel a sense of belonging, connection, and inspiration. Devora also has backgrounds in education and resource consulting.